Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Maximize Time

Time management starts with the commitment to change. The secret behind a successful time management is when you plan ahead of time and stick to that planned time, come what may. Time is limited and scarce hence it is imperative we use it wisely so as to lead a stress free and happy life. Executing time management skills efficiently, play a critical role to streamline one's career. Time is indeed a very difficult resource to manage. This is why the term "time management" not only means managing one's time, but also implies managing our activities daily in order to make the best possible use of that time. It does not matter where you are in your life, whether you are an Internet marketer, own your own business, or just starting out. You need to have a good understand of time management and productivity. You could have the best business in the world, but nothing matters if you do not have a handle over how you use your time.  VNB68CE5DG26

Friday, November 19, 2010


For what purpose will you invest your time and energy to increase your productivity, maximize your time, and organize your life in order to reach your set goals? Of all the reasons you have for doing the things that you do, achieving your goal is most important; it determines what you do and how you do it. You want to reach you goals, accomplish more and become happier in life; all of these is dependent on what you make happen. Everything needed to ensure that your goal setting processes and procedures are in place to ensure that all you want to do is done is what you should concentrate and spend your time doing.
Without goals your movement in life will not be defined. You definitely will make movement, but the direction might not be where you are supposed to be headed to. Movement does not signify progress; it is the direction than defines it. Goals give direction and purpose to our life actions. It defines your path, creates a sense of direction and focus and makes you responsible to a course. Task not finished, projects not completed and goals not achieve are indications that time was not put into best use.
People often say that they would not mind spending the whole of their time doing the things they love to do most. What we love to do varies from one person to another; how do you measure if what you love doing is worth the time you spend in doing it? Time spent on activities that will not add value to you in order to improve or increase you, and help you achieve your goals can not be said to be a well utilized time. If you spend half of your day in front of the TV set, is that a wise investment of time for the goals you have set to achieve? If you were to access your use of time, what will be the best thing you have done with your time? Learn to spend your time in such a manner that it profits your life. Understand the essence of time, the pattern with wish it moves, and be aligned to it.
In the same manner you cannot swim again the direction of the flow of a river with ease, so also you cannot become productive, attain excellence, and climb to the top level of management in your establishment, if you neglect time.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Managing time requires some degree of discipline. It has nothing to do with being in a hurry. Hurrying portrays lack of control over yourself and the time you have to spend doing things. If you ever find yourself in a hurry, it is an indication that you have not done what you were suppose to do at the right time. Hurrying is trying to compensate for lost time and most times everything done in a hurry is usually messed up. One of the challenges you will encounter doing things in a hurry is that you will be under immense pressure, which will cause you to be tensed. Slow and steady they say wins the race. This is why you must begin to engage your thoughts, especially now on those things that you intend to achieve. You have to start doing something useful with your time now knowing that every seconds of it counts either to your advantage or disadvantage depending on what you are doing.
Do not be fooled with the illusion that you have all time in the world to yourself, because you do not. That cliché is a deception; and it will cost you if you buy into it. Use the time you have now while you can! Make hay while the sunshine! A stitch in time saves nine! Walk while you have the light! These are clichés to remind you that time is not to be wasted. It is better not to have time than to waste the available one that you have. There is nothing like being the one in control when embarking on any venture. It gives you confidence to act and generate within you the ability for maximum performance, knowing that you are in charge.
          Before you can effectively manage your talents, business, home, academics, you have to understand the concept of time management. The concept of time management is all about your understanding of what time is and how to use it to achieve your set goals within the limit you have. You cannot be good in what you do if you do not invest time into it. Do what you are supposed to do at the right time and do not hesitate to start now. There is no way you will not get things done and achieve your goals if you know how to respect and use time.
You are only some seconds away from achieving your goals, completing that project, finishing that task and most importantly getting started at all.


          Time management does not mean adhering to some rigid routine. It starts from when you wake up in the morning or just before you fall asleep at night. This usually is when your energies are at their highest, so this is when you should plan your day; if you miss it at this point your day is likely going to be adrift. At this time you let your roam around what you want to achieve at the end of that day, assuming you have decided to start or have started on a task. Your mind will begin to plan and find solution to problems and obstacles that you are likely to encounter. There is no substitute for this part of your day, and do not let anything take it from you.
Ever wonder why your day is usually not organized, it is because you do not take out some time to organize your thoughts before venturing into the harsh realities of life. The truth is that you will meet so many people during the course of your day activity that are not organized, and they can mess up your day if you are not careful. So wake up early, organize your thoughts in relation to what you want to achieve for the day, and you will definitely find the solutions and guidelines that you need.
Here are some ways to make this possible.
Be Proactive:                                        
          This is your ability to control situations by making things happens rather than waiting for them to happen and then reacting to it. As you go through your day, you will see or hear information that will be useful to achieving your goals faster than anticipated. Attend to the ones that require immediate attention while you brood over the rest. Being proactive is a skill you must practice, check your past decisions and try to see the ones you made right then find out what you did right, and then try again.
Be Decisive:
          Make up your mind on what you want to do. The ability to make quick decision is an important skill. However, it is important to have enough information to make an informed decision. Yet, a poor decision is better than no decision at all. You do not have all the time in the world.
Do Not Be Wasteful:
          Things that will not bring you benefit whatsoever should be eliminated from your daily tasks. Always ask yourself what you will benefit for doing what you are doing or about to do. Most people spend time attending to unimportant issues, when they should have been attending to important things or simply just resting. They usually have low response rate, forgetfulness and low productivity, most times from lack of rest. Remember, there are more important things to be done with time rather than wasting it.


            Time has a mind of its own. It does what it wants to do, go where it wants to without recourse to you. It does not wait for you; it is either you make use of it when it is around or it disappears. You need it for everything that you will do, yet you do not have all of the time that you require. It becomes really essential to know how one can master time.
You have a specific amount of time that has been allotted to you to become whatever you wish to become and not a second more may be added to it. If you think time in this manner, you will know that every seconds of your life is important. To succeed you have to learn how to use time well to your advantage.
          We wake up in morning with a dozen things on our mind to achieve, but end up not achieving any of it mostly because we did not master the use to time wisely. There is a time limit to achieve whatever you want to and after then, that time is past and never will reoccur. This is how life is designed, it’s like a stage; you do your part and go, you have an opportunity to make an impact.
Projects have deadlines, because the owners know they cannot afford to be on it forever. There are other things to be done, so they push until they have achieved what they want and then move on to another project. While some people see the concept of time as a wakeup call, some others hate it and wish for more time.
          You cannot save time, because there is no bank to store it, or hide it somewhere. It means you have to achieve a lot more for less time. This way you can have more things done in a short while and have time to do other things. The reverse is that if you spend too much time doing ordinarily what needed a short time for, then there will be no more time to do even more important things.
Therefore, you have to work smarter and not harder. You have to be committed to an organized life. Have a routine to follow in other to get where you are going. Know how to master time and never waste any of it. Learn not to be impulsive, changing and making up your mind every second.


Since it is a slow time killer, it is not always easy to identify the habit of procrastination. Everyone wants to take life easy, enjoy comfort. So most times it seems easier to stay in our comfort zone and postpone things that we were supposed to be doing now for a later date. However the consequences are usually dire and we do not always find this out until we start seeing the effects, these effects are usually indelible and it leaves scars. You can avoid that trap by beginning today, not tomorrow to turns things around.
Just Do It:
Start On It Now
          As simple as that sounds, whenever your mind tells you that something due to be done now can be done later, that is usually when to do it. You must learn to recognize the voice of procrastination. Use an alarm, write goals to be achieved, whatever, just get up and do that thing. Perhaps you have been planning to start on a task, now is the time to start on it.
Confront Your Fears:
          One reason why many people procrastinate is because of the fear of the unknown. The fear of standing alone, of failing, of what people will say, or of losing money, stays us back from acting. The only way to overcome your fear is by acting in faith and that is by doing that thing. By transforming that negative energy into a positive one, by believing in yourself that you can achieve anything you set your heart to do. So you have to enter action with boldness. The mistake you make while acting with boldness can be covered with more boldness.
The Right Time:
          Most people wait for the right time all their life and it never comes. The right time to start out is now. The reason is simple, if you fail; you have still got enough time to start over again. So ask yourself, the goal you need to achieve now can you afford to wait for another year or two to achieve it? The answer will help you to know whether to keep waiting or start out right now.

          Leaving what is supposed to be done at this moment for later, or doing it halfheartly, is an act of laziness. It puts you under a lot of stress. Most times the task has to be done all over again, only this time in addition to other things making it seem there is a lot of work to be done. Remember that achieving your goals requires discipline and hard work; otherwise you must be contented with where you are at the moment.