Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Since it is a slow time killer, it is not always easy to identify the habit of procrastination. Everyone wants to take life easy, enjoy comfort. So most times it seems easier to stay in our comfort zone and postpone things that we were supposed to be doing now for a later date. However the consequences are usually dire and we do not always find this out until we start seeing the effects, these effects are usually indelible and it leaves scars. You can avoid that trap by beginning today, not tomorrow to turns things around.
Just Do It:
Start On It Now
          As simple as that sounds, whenever your mind tells you that something due to be done now can be done later, that is usually when to do it. You must learn to recognize the voice of procrastination. Use an alarm, write goals to be achieved, whatever, just get up and do that thing. Perhaps you have been planning to start on a task, now is the time to start on it.
Confront Your Fears:
          One reason why many people procrastinate is because of the fear of the unknown. The fear of standing alone, of failing, of what people will say, or of losing money, stays us back from acting. The only way to overcome your fear is by acting in faith and that is by doing that thing. By transforming that negative energy into a positive one, by believing in yourself that you can achieve anything you set your heart to do. So you have to enter action with boldness. The mistake you make while acting with boldness can be covered with more boldness.
The Right Time:
          Most people wait for the right time all their life and it never comes. The right time to start out is now. The reason is simple, if you fail; you have still got enough time to start over again. So ask yourself, the goal you need to achieve now can you afford to wait for another year or two to achieve it? The answer will help you to know whether to keep waiting or start out right now.

          Leaving what is supposed to be done at this moment for later, or doing it halfheartly, is an act of laziness. It puts you under a lot of stress. Most times the task has to be done all over again, only this time in addition to other things making it seem there is a lot of work to be done. Remember that achieving your goals requires discipline and hard work; otherwise you must be contented with where you are at the moment.

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