Sunday, September 26, 2010

The Concept Of Time Management

Everybody talks about time. No matter where you are in the world and what you do, time is common to everyone. I strongly believe it is not a subject to be over looked. But you can not  talk about Time Management, without understanding some basic truth about time.
                Things to Know about Time
·         It is universal: it implies that no matter where you are, regardless of color, culture, religion, and location time affects us all.
·         It is a constant: 24 hours makes a complete day, nothing more nor less.
·         It does not Stop: It is design to continuously tick, independent of whether you are active or not, alive or death.
·         It can not be adjusted: Whenever a particular hour passes in a day, let’s say 10am, you can not bring it back.
·         It can not be bought: Of all purchasable items, time is one that has no market place of exchange.

The worth of time varies amongst people. Your value for time depends on your understanding of it. Time means different things to us. For most people, time has more value than money, a resource to achieve goals, a tool to manage live, and a gift to treasure.

Which of these reveals your view of time? What you think of time really matters a lot, because it will affect how you relate to it.

The various views of time, is what gives rise to “The Concept of Time Management”. It then becomes imperative to know what time management is. Remember that a concept is an idea or notion shared by someone or a group of people.
Time Management is not having ability to manage time. You can only manage what you have control of. Since time can not be controlled, it is then not possible to manage it. This may sound awkward, but it is basically the truth. While not try pausing time may be for a minute or two, to see show much control you have over it.
If you have a challenge in meeting deadlines, or getting things done what you probably need to do is to manage yourself. It takes discipline, determination and patience to do so. But once you’ve mastered the skill, your productivity and effectiveness in using the time you have to get things done will increase.

The concept of time management deals not on managing time, instead it considers your understanding of what time means to you, and gives a true definition of time management. It focuses on achieving goals and completing projects by applying some simple tools.

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