Monday, September 27, 2010

Common Time Management Mistakes

Have you considered how time just ticks pass and you can not even account for what you have done. Most often people engage themselves in activities that are not relevant to their goals, and they do not even know.
There are many mistakes people make when it comes to time management. Some of the common ones are what I will talk about from my little research.
Failing To Plan
When you fail to plan, you have planned to fail. Planning is a process that does not end, until you achieve your set goal. When you do not plan, you definitely do not have a sense of direction of what to do. You end up spending time on everything, even when they are not important. Without adequate planning, it is difficult to understand what it will take to complete a project successfully. Lack of planning leads to inadequate preparation, unexpected problems and Poor execution.
Planning defines a path for you and helps in strategic management, as you begin to develop ideas on how to execute your plan.
Using Your Head
Most often people tend to do things from their head, with the belief that they have it all stock up there. It is good, but not effective. Under pressure, you tend to forget even the simplest of details. On the other hand you may remember all to be done, but you will be faced with the challenge of which is to be done first. The fact is that you simply can not rely on your memory alone to keep track of records, without getting overloaded.  It is best practice to have a “To Do List” of your activities written down in order of importance.
Trying To Do Everything
That you have plan does not mean it will be actualized instantly. Planning is a process that requires determination, dedication and Patience. You can not do everything just at ones, because not all things are important as far as your goal is concerned. When you attempt to do too much, you invariably end up shortchanging and neglecting important areas of your life that get left behind.  Give place only to those things that will positively take you closer your goal.
Always Saying Yes
There are so many reasons while people say yes, even when it is not convenient to.
-          It might be not to offend some
-          Trying to please/impress others.
Any activity that is not in your to do list should not be considered. Saying yes is like a commitment, if not keep might make you lose your integrity. You could be given out your free time that would have been spent with family or sleeping, without realizing it. Every time you choose to do something, you always give up something else you could have done with that time.

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