Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Your Time, Your Life, Your Dream

No matter what you do and aim to achieve, time is one factor you have to greatly take into consideration. In everything in life time is incorporated. It is the difference between the seasons of life and nature, measures the rate at which work is being done, differentiate where you are today from where you will be tomorrow.
Your dream is the life you want to live in future, and your life is measured by time.
Abuse and misuse of it has great effect on what the outcome of your life will become.

 Life is not a competition. The only person you will have to improve on is who you were yesterday. Your dream however the size poses great challenge to you, knowing that failure is not an option to consider.
Failure is one word people are afraid of. They do not want to hear it nor experience it in life, business, education and even in marriage. Do not leave your life to chance, focus on the dream you want to achieve, so that you can have a purpose for living.

            Plan your life in such a way that every second counts and has positive effect on your dream. This will help you to maximize your time and spend it with a clear sense of direction of where you are heading to. If you are not experiencing in your life those things you are dreaming about, it is either because you have a wrong plan or you do not have a plan at all. What you do with your time certainly will be revealed in the expression of your life dream.

            Schedule your time in such a way that you give priority to those activities in your life that will make your dream a reality. Let your dream be one of the reasons you have to live for each day. You must understand that each passing day brings you closer the fulfillment of your dream. If need be double your effort today so that you can cover up for the time abused yesterday.
Most people tend to regret the later part of their lives, because they spent their time doing the wrong thing. Identify those things you must do in other to actualize your dream. If you do not have a reason for living, it is because you do not have a dream. No matter how bad things may look your dream is the future of your tomorrow’s life.

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